What does the Canada Covenant Bring?

A Three-Pronged Development Plan

Practical – serving and leading in specific areas of the host church

  • Annual Covenant gathering of interns and leaders

Teaching (Weekly/Bi-Weekly Teaching Calls)

  • Deepening Character: Spiritual Practices & Emotional Health

  • Developing Core Leadership Skills

One-on-One Coaching with Intern

Consulting & Development

Our team will partner with the local church in establishing an ongoing system of application, engagement, mentorship and follow-up that the church can have available to moving forward.

We want to increase the leadership vitality and skillset of our ministerium in parallel with the program.

Financial Partnership

The Covenant will provide ~$1000 a month per intern


Churches will be identifying internal interns in their church communities.

Canada Covenant Internship Program

A 14 Week Internship hosted by churches throughout Canada in partnership with the Canada Covenant.

Internship can occur in a variety of ministries across the church. Identify first a key area of interest for the prospective intern, and then possible needs within the local church context.

A second internship can be discussed on a case by case basis.

Expectations of
Host Church

Practical Opportunity

Space within the church ministry life to lead in a meaningful way.

Intern Mentorship & Supervision

An individual committed to joining in the development of that intern alongside the ongoing support of the Canada Covenant team.

Financial Partnership

This is a varied conversation based on each location. Cost of living varies greatly across the country and we believe that the internship should be at a minimum 20 hrs a week.

Ex. Housing can be a manner of financial partnership, provision of funds towards the internship, or extra funds for the extension of hours based on the perceived need for intern role.

To learn more or begin a conversation and internship opportunities, click the button below to email Jason Charles.