

Vocational ministry begins with a personal sense that God is indeed calling you to be set apart for ministry within and to the body of Christ. This calling must be tested and authenticated by the larger church.

When the church affirms this calling it offers the appropriate credential which endorses you to serve and lead within the various roles of ministry. The credentialing and endorsement process is crucial in creating a healthy context for ministry. This process makes the pastor accountable to the local church and denomination as well as to the community of pastors in the Covenant Ministerium.

The Ordered Ministry of the Evangelical Covenant Church manages the credentialing process with the support of the regional conferences. To learn more about the process you are encouraged to review the process on the ECC website. If you are interested in pursuing credentialing within the ECC please contact Hanne Johnson at the ECCC office.


Ministerium Dues are collected annually (May 1 - April 30) and are required to remain a Member in Good Standing. The amount is $125. A portion is sent off to the ECC Ministerium and a portion is collected for our local Ministerium and to cover costs associated with community, care, and resources for our Ministerium (ex. Pastor/Spouse Retreat).

Pay by Credit Card using the PayPal link or send a cheque (payable to the ECCC) with 'Ministerium Dues' included in the memo.
Please send cheques to the ECCC office at the address below.

ECCC, PO Box 2247, Strathmore, AB T1P 1K2

What else is required to remain a Member in Good Standing? - VIEW


In order to receive the clergy residency deduction pastors must fill out a T-1223 in conjunction with their church chair (employer). This form must be filled out every year and filed on the church grounds. CRA does not require you send the form in with your taxes, but they may ask for it at any time. 

If you receive your clergy residency deduction at source, meaning you do not wait until taxes to receive your deduction, you must fill out a T-1213. Additional information is required with a T-1213 and we suggest you file this document with CRA every September in order to be approved for the following year. Remember, if you receive the clergy residency deduction on your paycheque and not once a year with your tax return, you must follow these rules. Please contact the conference office for a full explanation in order to assist you in getting your CRD at source approved by CRA. 


Pastors currently serving in the Evangelical Covenant Church of Canada and contributing to the RRSP retirement savings plan are eligible for financial support towards personal retreat time. 

$400 is available to each pastor every other year, or alternatively spread over two years. 

Expenses will be reimbursed upon submission of receipts along with a brief written reflection on your retreat time. Please use the attached form and send it to


The ECCC Group Insurance and ECCC Group RRSP plans with Manulife are administered by Life Inc. and the ECCC office.

Group Insurance Documents

+ Manulife Group Insurance Coverage Highlight Sheet - VIEW
(Please login to access the booklet with complete plan details.)
+ Reasonable & Customary Limits Flyer - VIEW
+ Workplace Advisor Benefit Flyer - VIEW

Group RRSP Documents

+ Manulife Group RRSP Member Booklet - VIEW

Other Documents

+ Exit Package Flyer - VIEW

For account login assistance or discuss your RRSP investment options, please contact Life Inc.
Life Benefit Solutions: +1.866.605.5433

To learn more about eligibility, to make changes to your personal information, beneficiaries, dependents, or for general assistance, please contact the ECCC office.