President/Superintendent Search Update


Dear People of the Canada Covenant,

Greetings from the Leadership Board of the Evangelical Covenant Church. As we enter into the blessings of this Advent season, I’m pleased to update you once again about our progress in the search for a President/Superintendent of the Canada Covenant.

I want to thank all of you who participated in the survey that we sent out. Your input has been greatly appreciated and it has helped to inform our discernment in this process. I also want to thank all those who nominated people for this very important position. It was encouraging to receive these nominations and to experience your concern and thoughtfulness for the future of our kingdom ministry together.

The nominating committee, with advisor, Evangelical Covenant Church President, Tammy Swanson-Draheim, met for six hours on December 14, 2024 to pray and deliberate over these nominations. It was a challenging task but because we knew that many of you were praying with us in this process we were able to determine a short list of nominees to invite into a continuing process toward interviews.

These nominees will be writing a paper based on questions provided by the committee, providing a video sermon, and doing a personality/leadership assessment. This will take place during January and February and will lead up to in-person interviews that will take place in the middle of March 2025. Our goal is to be able to announce to you a candidate for this position by the first of April 2025. The candidate will be brought for election at the “Stronger Together” 121st annual general meeting of the Evangelical Covenant Church of Canada in Strathmore, AB on May 2-3, 2025.

Please continue to pray for us and for these nominees. We trust that God is in this journey with us and that He will lead us to the best decision.

May you experience the peace, hope, joy and love during this Advent and Christmas season,

Jenell Pluim
Chair, On behalf of the Nominating Committee 


President/Superintendent Search: Request for Nominations