President/Superintendent Search SURVEY
As the Evangelical Covenant Church of Canada's Leadership Board continues in the search process for a new President/Superintendent, we want to make sure that your voice is a part of the process - your feedback is key to shaping not only the qualities we seek in our new leader but also the direction we take as the Canada Covenant.
It’s important to us as a search committee that we stay transparent and keep the lines of communication open with you throughout this process. We will be guided by your insights, concerns, questions, and wisdom as we move forward.
Please take a few minutes to fill out a brief survey to share your thoughts with us:
Please complete the survey and submit it by November 13, 2024*.
Thank you in advance for your participation! If you have any questions about this survey or the search, please email And, please join the Leadership Board in prayer for the search process in the months ahead.
Thank you,
Jenell Pluim and the Canada Covenant Leadership Board
*Deadline for survey has been extended from the original date of November 10 to November 13.