


Start & Strengthen Churches

We are committed to start and strengthen healthy, missional churches, much like the Apostle Paul started and continued to strengthen churches in the New Testament. We believe that the local church is the hope of the world..


Develop Leaders

God invites and gifts people to join in mission. We are committed to joining God in the work of identifying, growing, and encouraging servant leaders across Canada.


Make & Deepen Disciples

We are committed to reach people with new life in Christ, and then to help them grow deeper in Christ. It is a lifelong journey of faith.


Love Mercy, Do Justice

God invites us to join in the redemptive work of “making all things new.” We are committed to pursuing compassion and justice through our world. From the beginning the Covenant has been concerned with helping hurting people (love mercy), and addressing the causes of that hurt (do justice). From a biblically rooted perspective, we seek to provide tangible ways of extending the love of Jesus in deed as well as work, and speak as an advocate.


Serve Globally

We are committed to extending the whole gospel to the whole world. Through global partnerships and personnel, we make and deepen disciples, start and strengthen churches, develop leaders, and love mercy and do justice around the world.